Affiliate FAQ
Who can become an affiliate?
We welcome affiliate requests from any business or individual who would like to promote us. The majority of our existing affiliates are owners of betting comparison/review websites or sports related sites, however we assess each affiliate request individually and are looking forward to hearing from you.
How do I become an affiliate?
Simply complete our easy affiliate application Here. Your request will be reviewed and, if successful, you’ll then get access to your personal affiliate dashboard area and can start promoting immediately.
What payment methods do you offer?
We currently only offer PayPal.
Is there a minimum commission earning before I receive my payment?
Yes, earning must be more than £€50 before payment will be made. If your earnings fall below this level then they will be carried over to the following month
How do I receive my payments?
Payments will be processed automatically on the 1st Monday of every month.
Why do commissions get reversed?
This is very unusual, but it is likely to be that the customer requested a refund under our moneyback guarantee.
What marketing materials do you offer?
We provide a range of banners and we will also contact you via email if we run any special promotions that you can market to your contacts. Please email us at support@patrickross.tennis if you have any specific requirements.
How do you track customers I refer?
We use a cookie which is placed on the browser of any visitor to our site. Cookies for visitors coming from your site contain your unique affiliate ID, which we use to automatically attribute the referred visitor to your affiliate account.
How long does the tracking cookie last?
Cookies remain active for 60 days. This means that anyone coming to us from your site but not creating an account straight away will still be recognised as a referral from you if they come back to complete the registration process within 60 days.
How often is the data in my affiliate account updated?
Data is updated in real-time and you will see new accounts/payments within a few minutes